I love New Orleans! I love so much about it.
Riding shotgun in New Orleans
There is a cafe that is the best eating in the country, perhaps.
The last time I was here I was not into photography at all. It's amazing how a camera changes so much. I wasn't there for photography necessarily. But whenever I travel I have to bring a camera. Not my iPhone (I always have that), but a real camera. Don't get me wrong, the iPhone is great, but it does have its limitations. At least for the way I like to shoot.
The famous streetcars that ride people around much of the city
I have to be more sensitive when I shoot because people are almost always intimidated by a big black man. For that reason, I'm careful who and how I approach people, even though my camera can be visible seen.
Once I'm past that hurdle, I usually find some interesting things to shoot. Which has become a real passion for me now. I hope to improve this year. There's still a lot I don't know. But I'm going to get there.
The Watcher
Leading Lines
Quick iPhone shot and edit
Night Vision